
My name is Amie Uss and I am just like you! A small business entrepreneur jazzed to be doing what I love.

Graphic Design was my first passion but along the way I also became a Massage Therapist and jumped into the world of small business ownership. After sixteen years I retired from Massage Therapy so now I design full time!

With my first small business I was lucky that I was able to design my own logo, website, and advertising content but if you weren’t a graphic designer before you started your current business it is much easier to have someone like me help you with all that stuff.

Janice Juliano MSW LCSW Founder and Manager of The Red Barn in Durham

I have known Amie Uss for almost 15 years, she has been a consistently reliable colleague. She is creative, with an artistic style, and is always pleasant to work with. Amie has been the webmaster for our website, The Red Barn in Durham, for many years. Our website always gets compliments from our clients and visitors at The Barn. She can accommodate any changes and upgrades we have requested. I feel she has offered one of the most important services for our Center as the website is oftentimes the introduction for those people unfamiliar with what we do at The Red Barn. I would highly recommend her services to anyone who is interested in creating a new Squarespace website or modifying one they might already have. She is the Best!”